Licenses are obtained from the Department of Land Transport which has Land Transport Offices (LTOs) through out Thailand.  The initial license will initially be for a two year period and subsequently for five year periods. The license will expire on the holder's birth date.

APPOINTMENT: The Banglamung DLT Office serves the Pattaya area. Currently, they limit the number of foreigners they process each day. Click here for the latest information we have on obtaining an appointment. If applying at a different DLT office, you will need to contact them for their requirements regarding appointments. 

PROCESS: To obtain or renew a Thai Driving License, you will need to have the following documents and take one or more of the following tests:

  • Color blindness (usually required)
  • Reaction Time (usually required)
  • Depth Perception (may be required)
  • Peripheral Vision (may be required)
  • Written Examination (new applicant or if license has expired more than 1 year)
  • Practical/Driving (new applicant or if License has expired more than 3 years)


In addition, you will need evidence of having viewed a 1 hour video. Click here for more information

The App will require you to answer 3 questions, run the video, then answer 3 more questions. Upon completion, you will get a "completed" page which you should copy and print out.

To avoid taking a written and driving test for your initial license when applying, a foreigner must have an International Driving Permit (IDP)* along with their unexpired foreign driving license  OR a photocopy of the unexpired foreign driving license certified as valid by your Embassy [check with your Embassy to see if they will certify a photocopied document, e.g., the US Embassy will not do so].

* You will need to obtain the IDP from the country where you have your current driving license and it must still be valid at time of applying for the Thai Driving License(s). Click here for information on IDPs.

FEE: You will then pay the appropriate fee for the type of license being obtained. A separate license is required for vehicle (car, van, pickup) and motorcycle. See the Documents section below for the fee for each type of license.

PHOTO: After the fee is collected, you will wait to be called for your photo to be taken for the license.

RENEWAL: Can be done up to 6 months before the expiration date.

Obtaining a replacement for a lost driving license requires the same documentation and  fees needed for renewal PLUS a police report - however, you do not need take any examination (physical, test, driving) - expect the process to take at least one hour or more at Banglamung Land Transport Office.


When applying for your first Thai driving license, you will receive a Temporary License good for two years. It can be replaced up to 3 months prior to expiration date with a five year license provided you hold a Non-Immigrant Visa or extension of stay based on having such visa.

NOTE: You will also need a print out of your Completion page from the App mentioned above in the process information.

TIP: Upon receipt of your new license, look it over before leaving the LTO to be sure everything is accurate (your current address will be on the reverse side below the Restrictions section, but it will be in Thai script, so unless you read Thai script or have a Thai with you, about all you can verify is the house/unit number and postal code).

Initial Two Year License

  1. Photocopy of Passport pages showing identity and visa/visa extension stamp
  2. Photocopy of a Valid Thai Work Permit - required only if you have one and it shows your address (if using, have your tax ID No. Available as they will ask for it) OR
    Original Certificate of Residence (see below)
  3. Original Medical Certificates not more than 30 days old (see below)
  4. To Avoid Written & Practical Tests: Photocopy of unexpired Driving License from your country of residence (if you have one) including the reverse side if it contains any information (have original to show to the LTO staff) plus photocopy of International Driving Permit (IDP) - have original to show to the LTO staff- OR an original Embassy Certification letter.
  5. Fee for Car License of 205 Baht and/or Fee for Motorcycle License of 155 Baht

Initial Five Year License

  1. Photocopy of Passport pages showing identity and visa/visa extension stamp
  2. Photocopy of a Valid Thai Work Permit - required only if you have one (if using, have your tax ID No. Available as they will ask for it) OR Original Certificate of Residence (see below)
  3. Original Medical Certificates not more than 30 days old (See below)
  4. Photocopy of two year Driving License (front & back) have original to show to the LTO staff
  5. Fee for Car License of 505 Baht and/or Fee for Motorcycle License of 255 Baht

Renew Five Year License

  1. Photocopy of Passport pages showing identity and visa/visa extension stamp
  2. Photocopy of a Valid Thai Work Permit - required only if you have one (if using, have your tax ID No. Available as they will ask for it) OR Original Certificate of Residence (see below)
  3. Original Medical Certificates not more than 30 days old (See below)
  4. Photocopy of previous five year Driving License (front & back) have original to show to the LTO staff
  5. Fee for Car License of 505 Baht and/or Fee for Motorcycle License of 255 Baht

Medical Certificate

When the DLT changed the Form of the Certificate, they also included the requirement that it would be required for all driving licenses.

The previous form only had a few specific conditions to be reported  and was available from most clinics and hospitals for a fee of 100 to 300 baht with no examination involved.  The new form requires you provide the physician with a medical history on the top part of the form and the physician completes the bottom portion certifying that you are not impaired for driving a vehicle.

Click here to view a copy of the new form (it is in Thai). The following is an English translation of the upper portion used for reporting your medical history:

However, currently many clinics and hospitals are still providing the old form AND the Banglamung DLT office which serves Pattaya continues to accept the older version which contained the doctor's certification that the person was free of the following:

Residency Certificate

If you do not have a Work Permit that shows your current address, you will need to obtain a Residency Certificate from Thai Immigration OR your Embassy. 

If obtaining from other than Chonburi (Pattaya)  Immigration, the requirements may vary. It is reported that Bangkok Immigration will not issue the Residence Certificate unless you have at least one 90 day address report on file. Also, there are reports on various websites that some Immigration Offices may take several days or weeks to issue the Certificate or refuse to do it at all. The fees can also vary from free to 500 baht (largest amount we have seen reported).

Click the button below for Chonburi (Pattaya) Immigration


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